
Communication Skills in Multimedia Business

English For Multimedia Business Communication Skills in Multimedia Business Script Writer : Suhaila Budiman Competencies : Explaining Communication Skills in Multimedia Business Key Indicator  : The viewers will understand Communication Skills in Multimedia Business Link naskah 🔗  Communication Skills in Multimedia Business Suhaila Budiman | 2270402066 | 3A

Final Exams

Instruction:  Explain your pragmatic experience in the use of PBLL approach for publishing studies using the basic skill of reading, writing, listening, speaking within the learning steps from Prewriting, Drafting, Revising Editing, Layouting, Marketing, Delivering.  Student’s Identity Name : Suhaila Budiman Study Program : Publishing (Penerbitan) Project Title : Publipreneur Based Languange Learning (PBLL) Link Lembar Ujian Akhir Semester 🔗  FinalExam_SuhailaBudiman   Suhaila Budiman| 2270402066 | 2A Penerbitan 

Materi PBLL | 2008 Publishing 2020

 Storyline & Link YouTube 🔗  Storyline 2008 Publishing 2020 🔗  YouTube (2008 Publishing 2020) Suhaila Budiman| 2270402066 | 2A Penerbitan 

Business Profile | Laksana Publishing

 Storyline & Link YouTube 🔗  Storyline Business Profile (Laksana Publishing) 🔗  YouTube (Bussines Profile) Suhaila Budiman| 2270402066 | 2A Penerbitan 

Midterm Exam Assignment

Laksana Publishing & Menyunting hasil kerja mitra belajar (House Publishing) Suhaila Budiman| 2270402066 | 2A Penerbitan  click the link to see the results Laksana Publishing  • Business Profile 🔗  Laksana Publishing.ppt • Business Proposal 🔗  Laksana Publishing.doc • Lembar Simulasi Praktik Editing 🔗  Lembar Editing (House Publishing) • Mid-Term Test 🔗  Suhaila Budiman_PNB2A Hasil Suntingan (House Publishing) • Bussines Profile 🔗  House Publishing.ppt • Bussines Proposal 🔗  House Publishing.doc • Lembar Simulasi Praktik Editing 🔗  Lembar Editing (House Publishing) Selasa, 11 April 2023

Introduction, Materi, and Youtube.

Hello everyone, let me introduce myself, my name is Suhaila Budiman and my nickname is Suhaila. I come from and live in Depok, West Java. I am currently a student at the Creative Media State Polytechnic, publishing study program. In the first semester, general English course with Mrs. Suratni as the lecturer.  We learn about:  1. About capitalization and punctuation.  2. About the part of speech including noun, pronounce, adjective, articles, preposition, conjunction, injection, adverbs, and verbs.  3. Writing paragraphs namely narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive.  4. We visited the iibf exhibition and wrote an article about our experience visiting the exhibition. That's all I can say about semester 1 material, thank you for watching and have a good day. Link YouTube 🔗  Introduction_SuhailaBudiman

Self Introduction

Introduction | Suhaila Budiman Hello, welcome to my blog page! My name is Suhaila Budiman, usually people call me Suhaila or Lala. I was born in Tangerang on August 24, 2003. I live in Depok, West Java.  Previously I studied at SMK 3 "Perguruan Cikini" majoring in Multimedia and now I am studying at the Creative Media State Polytechnic majoring in Publishing. The reason I chose to major in Publishing is because I have skills in writing and design. I once practiced field work at a printing house in Depok. There I learned many things about design and also copywriting. I also once wrote a script for a short film for my final assignment at school. Because writing is one of my hobbies, so I also like to write short stories to fill my spare time.